So far this year I think I can say I have been keeping up with keeping goals, just not necessarily the specific goals I set out with. And that's OK.
As I've mentioned in previous posts, I am quite certain I will not complete my entire list of hopefuls for the 1st Quarter Finish-A-Long, hosted this year by Leanne at She Can Quilt. I HAVE been making better progress than I initially thought, though! Of the original 7 items (including the pattern thing) I have finished 4 so far! Granted, I probably will end up going back in to do more quilting on the Icy-Cool diamond quilt, but technically it's finished and bound! And perhaps by the end of March, this
just basted yesterday!
will be crossed off that list, too!
But how did all of these other UFOs and new, exciting things creep in as well??
Not to mention bee blocks! Oh the fun I've been having!
And the best part... I've been reacquainting myself with my stash. Do any of you other quilters out there ever have that issue? I feel as though I got so caught up in either projects that I HAD to work on, or new inspirations which relied on particular prints in the world and was out seeking bits and pieces to finish things up... and neglected my stash. But I'm trying to be better. There are some great prints I have languishing on those shelves!
Erin McMorris for Free Spirit
Kitty Yoshida's "Brooklyn Heights" for Benartex
Those good ol' Dogwood Blooms from Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit
A classic Amy Butler print from her "Belle" collection for Rowan.
Just to highlight a few.
One of the reasons I rarely take part in fabric swaps - not because I'm stingy but because I can't think of anything I am ISO (in search of) that I couldn't find a suitable mate or substitute on my own shelves. Hilarious, I know.
So UFOs, WIPs, unrealized sketches, I'm callin' on you now! Finished quilt tops waiting to be quilted, well, y'all might have to continue to wait, but I'll get there eventually too. And in the mean time, you're getting new friends and neighbors every day this week.